Through 8/6, head to Staples in-store only, and score $0.01 Printer Paper with coupon after Easy Rebate! Go here to print the Staples coupon. If you haven’t done this deal before, check out my Staples Shopping Trip Video which explains how to get your Easy Rebate 🙂
Hi Tina, the closest staples is around my work place, I don’t have the coupons printed yet, can I give them the coupon code instead?
Hey Kristen. I’m not sure if they’ll let you do that or not. 🙂
Hi Tina just more tip for you that hace 2 days sake for staples egift card $50 for $60. So with this deal you can pay $53.99 + tax = 57.23 and get $45 rebate plus $15 shopyo u rway reward. Hope everyone enjoy this deal. Tx for all the good deals you have posted.
Sweet. Thanks so much for sharing. That really is a fabulous deal. 🙂
Is this a new rebate? I just bought 1 pack on Sat. 8/29 and submitted my rebate info online. I thought the 1-cent paper deal ended on the 29th for some reason. If I can go back this week and buy 4 more that would be great. Anyone know? When I log in to track my rebate it says the rebate number is 15-27849, so is this a different rebate?
Hey. I’m not sure if it’s a new one or not. You can contact Staples and ask them if you’re uncertain. 🙂
Hi Tina, usually this deal comes back after several weeks and has a limit 4 on rebate. if you submitted 4 rebates last time, can you submit for more this week? Wondering if it’s a monthly deal so I reached my maximum or if it is a weekly deal where the limit resets. Hope to hear from you.
The rebate usually resets when they come out with a new deal. You can contact Staples if you’re uncertain though. 🙂
Great question thanks!!!
How many packages of paper can I buy with one coupon and one household?
Hi Angelina. It sounds like it’s limited to 1, but I’m not sure. You can ask them in the store. 🙂
Last times i bought 3 packages with the rebate i only end up paying 39 cents and i did take my .01 coupon to the cashier
Sweet! I always get this deal when it comes around. I need a lot of paper for my coupon printing. 🙂
Hey Tina, How long does it take for the easy rebate to get back to me. I still haven’t gotten back my rebate check..
Hey Elisse. It can take several weeks. I’m still waiting on a few of my Staples rebates as well! 🙂
Do I need to be a staples reward member to get this deal or have a staples card?
Hi Claudia. You don’t have to be a Staples member to get this deal. They do have a great program though if you ever want to become a member. 🙂
thanks tina, I did the deal .. then return to the store to fill the application to join the rewards member. now I’m going tomorrow with the new coupon. yeei for me!!
1 question how often do staples do this deal, like once every 2 wks?
Hi Claudia. There’s not really a pattern to Staples deals, but we do see this deal quite frequently. I get it every time it’s available. It’s one of my favorite deals since I print so many coupons. 🙂
hey tina.. this is the first time i do this deal so after I request my rebate i waited 16 day and the status said “validation complete” Does this means they sent my rebate to my house already?
Yes, your rebate should be on its way! 🙂
Hi tina im new to couponing can’t get to how to print something when you send it please help trying so hard
Hi Luberta. I can probably be more help if you let me know exactly what you’re trying to print. You have to download couponing printing software to be able to print most online coupons.
There is no Staples store close to me. If I purchase online can I still get the rebate?
Hi Sheketa! Unfortunately this offer is valid in stores only.