Coupon expires 5/17. It’s back! Look in your 5/4 RedPlum insert for a $1.00 off one Wet N Wild item. This coupon always results in a freebie or a very good deal. Walgreens just happens to have Wet N Wild products on sale for 40% off this week. Use the coupon on any Wet N Wild product priced at $1.99 and your final price will be $0.19! We have two scenarios listed for you below:
► Buy one Wet N Wild item @ $1.99
Sale 40% off = -$0.80
Use (1) $1/1 Wet N Wild product (RP 5/4, x5/17) = -$1.00
Final Price: $0.19
► Buy one Wet N Wild item @ $2.99
Sale 40% off = -$1.20
Use (1) $1/1 Wet N Wild product (RP 5/4, x5/17) = -$1.00
Final Price: $0.79