(Deal ends 1/28) Head over to Target for a great deal on the 4-Count Dole Fruitocracy Packs! Regularly $2.49, they’re on sale for $1.99 and you can pair the high-value $1.00 off one Fruitocracy coupon with the 30% off Dole Fruitocracy Target Cartwheel! That makes these just $0.39 each – $0.10 per pouch. Check out the breakdown below:
► Buy (1) Dole Fruitocracy (4 Pack) = $1.99
Use (1) $1/1 Dole Fruitocracy coupon = -$1.00
And use 30% off Dole Fruitocracy Target Cartwheel (x1/28) = -$0.60
Final Price: $0.39 ($0.10 per pouch)