(Ends when coupon expires) Dollar General has Country Crock spread regularly priced at $2.25. Use this $0.75/1 Country Crock Dollar General eCoupon (load to your account) and submit your receipt from $1.00 cash back from Checkout 51 (when you boost the offer) to get it for just $0.50! Here’s the breakdown:
► Buy (1) Country Crock Spread (15 oz) = $2.25
Use (1) $0.75/1 Country Crock DG eCoupon = -$0.75
(or use $0.55/1 Country Crock Spread)
Pay: $1.50
Submit receipt for $1.00 cash back from Checkout51
(Country Crock (15 oz+); Limit 2)
Final Price: $0.50