(Deal ends 2/4) Head to CVS this week for an awesome deal on Brawny Paper Towels! Buy a 6-Pack on sale for $4.88, use the $0.75 off one Brawny Paper Towels Coupon and the $1.00 off one Brawny, Angel Soft, Quilted Northern CVS App-Only Coupon to bring your final price down to just $3.16, or $0.53 per roll! Check out the breakdown here:
► Buy (1) Brawny Paper Towels (6 rls) = $4.88
(or Angel Soft Bath Tissue 12 rls, Quilted Northern Ultra Plush 9 rls)
Use (1) $0.75/1 Brawny Paper Towels = -$0.75
And use (1) $1/1 Brawny, Angel Soft, Quilted Northern CVS App-Only coupon = -$1.00
(or $0.45/1 Angel Soft Bath Tissue RP 1/8, x2/8)
(or $0.25/1 Quilted Northern Ultra Plush Bath Tissue RP 1/22, x2/20)
(or $0.25/1 Quilted Northern Ultra Plush Bath Tissue RP 1/1, x1/31)
Final Price: $3.16 ($0.53 per roll)
*Note, App-Only coupon is a limit 1