• $1.24 (Reg $5.49) Downy Unstopables at Rite Aid

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    (Deal ends 7/12) This week Downy Unstopables are on sale for $5.49 at Rite Aid, plus spend $20 on select P&G products and receive $7 +UP Rewards. Also there’s an unadvertised monthly deal – buy 2 Downy Unstoppables, and get $1 + UP Rewards. All you need to make this deal even better is four $2.00 off one Tide Pods, Gain Flings, Downy Unstopables, Bounce Bursts or Gain Fireworks regional coupons from your Procter and Gamble 7/6 insert (note that some regions received $3/2 coupons), and you will get this item for only $1.24! Here’s the deal scenario:

    ►Buy (4) Dawny Unstopables (13.2 oz) @5.49/ea = $21.96
    Use (4) $2/1 Downy Unstopables (P&G 7/6, x7/31) regional = -$8.00
    Or use (2) $3/2 Downy Unstopables (P&G 7/6, x7/31) regional coupon
    Pay: $13.96
    Get Back: $7 + UP Rewards (Limit 1)
    (when you spend $20 on select P&G products)
    Get Back: $2 + UP Rewards (Limit 3)

    (unadvertised monthly deal wyb 4 Downy Unstopables)
    Final Price: $1.24 each

    Don’t forget that you can score a Free $10 Visa Pre-Paid Card via the mail-in rebate when you spend $30 on on Tide, Gain, Downy, or Bounce products (excludes Tide Simply Clean and Fresh, Gain Flings, Gain Fireworks and trial/travel-size products) through 9/30!

    Join 4 Comments Here More Rite Aid Deals
    4 good-looking people commentedLeave a comment
    1. 1

      Can you help me what is the link i can get the coupon for P&G 7/6,x7/31 ? I cannot find it ! Thank you

    2. 0

      If this is a regional deal (the p&g q), what region do gets it? TIA

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