(Deal ends 2/18) Head over to Target for a nice deal on Keebler Club Cheese Bites! Buy two regularly priced for $2.99 and pair the 30% off Cartwheel with the $1.00 off two coupon from the 1/29 RedPlum insert to make these just $1.59 per box! Check out the breakdown:
► Buy (2) Keebler Club Cheese Bites (8.8 oz) @$2.99/ea = $5.98
Use 30% off Keebler Club Bites Cartwheel (x2/18) = -$1.80
And use (1) $1/2 Keebler Club Bites (RP 1/29, x3/12) = -$1.00
Final Price: $1.59 each or $3.18 for both