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(Deal ends when cash back expires) This week you will receive a FREE $10 Target Gift Card when you buy two select diaper packs at Target. As an idea, you can score Seventh Generation Diaper Packs for only $17.99 each when you buy two, regularly $28.99! Use one $2.00 off one Seventh Generation Diaper Pack (limit 1 coupon) from the RedPlum 4/2 insert, then submit your receipt for $10 Ibotta Cash Back! Check out the breakdown:
► Buy (2) Seventh Generation Diaper Packs @$28.99/ea = $57.98
Use (1) $2/1 Seventh Generation Diapers (RP 4/2, x12/31)= -$2.00
(Limit one coupon per transaction)
Pay: $55.98
Get Back: $10 Target Gift Card
Submit receipt x2 for $5 Ibotta Cash Back (x5/30)
Final Price: $17.99 each or $35.98 for both