Sale ends 11/27. Kleenex Tissue (4 pack) is on sale this week at Walgreens for $3.50. There is a Catalina coupon that is printing when you buy the following quantities: Buy 5 boxes = $1.00, Buy 6 boxes = $1.50, Buy 7+ boxes = $2.00. A Catalina coupon prints out like a receipt and is good on your next shopping trip. The 4 pack that is on sale counts as a purchase of 4. Sign up with Pick Up The Values (and share with a friend) and get a coupon for $1.00 off one box. You also have the option of using a $1.00 off one bundle pack from the 10/27 SmartSource insert. Here’s what to do:
► Buy two Kleenex Tissues (4 Pack) @$3.50/ea = $7.00
(this equals 8 boxes)
Use two $1.00 off coupons (Pick Up The Values/SmartSource 10/27) -$2.00
Out Of Pocket: $5.00
Receive $2.00 Catalina
Final Price: $0.38 per box