(Deal ends 12/21) Through 12/21 you can get Free Nature Made Vitamins at Walgreens! They are having a BOGO sale (buy one get one free) on Nature Made Vitamins, and there is a high-value $3.00 off any Nature Made Vitamins coupon, which will make the vitamins free when you buy two. Here’s what to do:
► Buy any two Nature Made Vitamins @$5.99/ea =$11.98
BOGO sale makes them only $5.99
Use two $3.00 off any Nature Made Vitamins coupons -$6.00
Final price: Free When you Buy 2
*Note: Prices of Vitamins will vary at the store, they range between $5.99 and up. Alternative to the $3 printable coupon, if you have the $5/1 coupon from Diabetes&You Magazine, you can use them as well to minimize out of pocket cost. Additionally, if the total value of your coupons is above the cost of the items, you’ll need to ask the cashier adjust your last coupon. It says in their coupon policy that they are suppose to do this. For example. If your balance is $2 and you have a $3 coupon left to use, you’ll have to adjust the coupon to have the $2 value otherwise Walgreens computer won’t accept it.