Deal ends 2/15. First rule in couponing…never pay for toothpaste! Stock up now at Walgreens. Colgate Total Toothpaste is on sale 2 for $6.00. Get back $4 in Register Rewards and get 300 Winter Beauty Event points (like $0.30) with your purchase. Use two coupons from the 2/2 SmartSource insert to get this deal. Here’s what to do:
(Have cashier scan Winter Beauty Event coupon in ad to track for bonus points)
► Buy two Colgate Total Advanced Toothpaste = 2 for $6.00
Use two $0.75 off one Colgate Toothpaste (SmartSource 2/2) -$1.50
Out Of Pocket: $4.50
Get Back: $4 Register Rewards
Get Back: $1.50 Register Rewards (NLA)
Get Back: 300 Winter Beauty Event Points (like $0.30)
Final Price: Free + $1.30 Moneymaker(Updated) Final Price: $0.10 each
2/9 – 2/11 Only: Get 5000 bonus points (like $5) when you spend $25 or more in a single transaction. Points are not earned if Store Credit or Redemption Dollars are used in transaction.