Make sure you don’t miss out on this deal. The sale is Today Only (Monday, June 2nd). Great time to stock up on some summer clothes for the kids. 🙂
(Today Only – 6/2) Hurry to The Children’s Place to score 50% Off Kid’s Summer Clothes plus Free Shipping with no minimum purchase! PLUS, get an additional 15% Off Everything throughout the whole site! Just use the promo code OFFER3 to the discount applied at checkout. Here are some adorable clearance items I found:
Make sure to browse through their clearance section (Click Clearnace top right corner) to see if anything catches your eye.
If you sign up for their newsletter you can snag a code for 25% off making this an even better deal! Not sure how long it takes for the email with the code to come through though. I gave up waiting and went with the 15% code. It’s fine. I didn’t want to risk the stuff I wanted being sold out. 🙂
I’ve been browsing the site for about 30 min now lol so much cute stuff!