This site is an auction, but you deal friend dollars on the site. So for joining the site you get 20 friend dollars to bid on whatever you want. By refering other people you get 15 per referral to spend how you please. The stuff on this site is great and mostly new things. It is a private site so you have to be invited from a member. I have been a member of this site for a year, I know it works and have received many great items for free. I will give you my user name and information so that way you can sign up for the site
my user name is: Amoora04
you write an email to and ask to be a member and tell them Amoora04 Invited you and my email is My name is Holly. If you would join it would be great if you email BCC to your email just so I know that you joined in case they ask me about you! Good luck and happy bidding!
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