Calm your cravings and whiten your smile with new Nicorette® White Ice™ Mint gum. It’s the stop-smoking gum with a cool minty flavor and the power to whiten teeth as you use it.
Nicorette helps you fight cravings — by putting you in control. The medicated gum is convenient and easy to use, and with just one bite, Nicorette goes to work. For those times when especially tough cravings hit, you’re ready for them with Nicorette — because only Nicorette gives you the freedom to chew an extra piece of gum.
As you use Nicorette to help tame the cravings, you can focus your willpower on changing your smoking habits. Beating both is the key to changing your behavior and starting a new life as a nonsmoker.
Plus, with new Nicorette White Ice you can experience a brighter way to quit by whitening your teeth at the same time.
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