My wife is a member of this cool program called BzzAgent. I asked here to give me a write-up on what it is so I could share the info with you. Here is what she wrote:
I’m a member of a great program where I get tons of freebies. The program is called BzzAgent. Being a BzzAgent is great! Joining is free and I get to try new products and services at no cost. I get free samples, coupons and stuff like that. I even get free products (not just samples).
Here is some of the free stuff got as a BzzAgent:
· A free sonic care toothbrush (Selling for $180 @ Target!)
· Free Listerine whit strips
· A free Luane Rice book
· A free TV guide magazine sunsription
The idea behind BzzAgent is that you get to test (and keep) new products for free and then you share my honest opinions with others, creating buzz about them. A week or so after you get the product you get an email from another BzzAgent asking about your experience with the product, what you did with it and so on.
I have gotten many free items and samples in the mail to try and pass out to friends. Not only do you get to keep these products that are send for campaigns, but you can also get points from the program to redeem for rewards. It is a pretty great program, and I think you should all join.
As a BzzAgent, you’ll get to:
· Discover and try new products and services (often for free)
· Spread sincere word of mouth about them
· Have your opinions influence some of the biggest companies and brands around
If you need more info or want to sign-up you can check them out at: www.BzzAgent.com