(reposting this so the winners have another chance to see before the deadline. I’ll contact everyone who posted their comment shortly)The gods have spoken. I have drawn the names of the 5 free $5.00 Best Buy gift card winners for November. And the winners are:
· Matthew Henrickson
· Lindsay M. James
· Joey Steiper
· Sharon Fogel
· Wanda Kendrick
To the winners: In order to win you MUST post a comment to this post by Tuesday at 10pm central time. If not I will draw new winners.
To everyone else: I will still be giving away gift cards every month, so you still have LOTS of chances to win. If you are not already signed up you can sign up for the free gift card here. If you are signed up, there is no need to sign up again. In fact, DON’T sign up again because if I see your email more than once I will delete ALL of them (no one likes cheaters).
Good luck next month as I will likely be giving away at least 2 gift cards (I am assuming I will have at least 200 subscribers).
Thanks everyone!