We have an awesome EXCLUSIVE offer for free samples from true lemon. They have seen our success and contacted us personally and wanted all our readers to get free samples from them!!
Every person who requests free samples receives two packets of True Lemon, 1 packet each of True Lime and True Orange and a coupon.) Also, right now for every new person who registers for a free sample, they are donating 10 packets of True Lemon to Operation Gratitude, a wonderful non-profit that sends care packages over to our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Operation Gratitude is getting ready to send 50,000 care packages in May and June and our goal is to donate 1,000,000 packets by then. (And we’re getting closer by the day.)
Heres how :
1. Go to the link below
2. When you request your free samples, on the form under “how did you hear about us”- select “other” and then type in “freestufffinder.com”
Get all the great free samples from true lemon!!!