• Free wordpress plugins zip file

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    So today i took the liberty of making a “start-up” plugin kit that i plan on using as a default install for any wordpress blog i start. I feel these plugins are almost all essential for a successful blog. Sure there are other great plugins out there, but i think these are must-haves.

    Here are the plugins that are in this zip file and a brief summary of what they do. For more details look at the plugin websites or the “readme” files.

    Also note that some of these plugins are not the most recent versions. If you have wordpress 2.5 you can do a one-click update. otherwise you can update them the old school way.

    Adsense Deluxe: Allows you to easily embed adsense code in your blog posts

    alinks: Automatically link certain words in your blog to other blog posts or websites

    All-in-one SEO pack Probably the best plugin out there for SEO

    Google analyticator: Easily links your blog with your google analytics account (if you don’t have one, get one! it’s free, too!)

    Sitemap Generator: Generates a sitemap for goolge and other sites. this is great for SEO and other things.

    Link cloaking plugin: Automatically cloaks and redirects your affiliate links, or any other links you wanna keep private.

    SEO slugs: Makes URL slugs SEO friendly

    Share this: Allows people to easily spread the word about your posts to social networking sites

    Viper Video Quicktags: Easily embed video from YouTube and other sources right into blog posts.

    WordPress Related Post Plugin: Shows other related posts at the end of a post. Great for internal linking (SEO) and getting people to read your other content.

    WordPress Automatic upgrade: Upgrade your wordpress with the click of a button!

    wp-cache: Makes your pages load faster.

    wp-contact form: Gives you a real contact form on your blog.

    Download the WordPress Plugin kit (1.32mb)

    Just unzip the file and copy all those folders into your “plugins” folder like you would with any other plugins.

    Another amazing plugin that will help you make money with your blog is the PHPbay Plugin. This plugin allows you to import auctions from ebay directly into your wordpress site. Then you get a commission from eBay on each item you sell and each new member you get to join. It’s pretty sweet. See my two PHPbay sites: Fender Blues Junior amps and Discount Golf Balls

    PHPbay is only $79, which is pretty cheap. I make about $600 a month from the fender site. The golf ball one is only 2 weeks old, so only time will tell. Learn more about PHPbay Plugin, or buy it here.

    You can get 20% off phpBay Pro with this phpBay Pro Coupon code discount

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