Most people I know do not know much about getting free stuff online. I mean, I learned everything I know from my wife. Before I met her I never knew I could get shampoo, golf balls, t shirts, and tons of other cool stuff completely free on the internet. If only people knew that they could get many of the products they use every day completely free on the internet.
Getting free stuff online is not as hard as you may think. Most offers I find online just require you to have an email address to get free stuff. Now I know what you’re thinking, If I give out my email address to get free stuff online then I will just get flooded with SPAM and junk mail. The truth is, you’re right! But it’s a good thing email addresses are free too! I have a separate email account I created specifically for getting free stuff online. When a free offer requires that I give an email address I just use my free stuff email. It’s really that easy. You can get a free email account from or or a dozen other places. Once you have your new email account you will be ready to start getting tons of free stuff.
“What kind of free stuff?†you ask. The freebies are virtually endless. My wife and I have gotten free t-shirts, free shampoo, free cosmetics, free office supplies, free pots and pans, and tons of other really cool free stuff. You can see a video of some of the free stuff we got by watching the video in the top right of this site:
I also find lots and lots of cool free samples online. Now most people don’t want to spend any time getting free samples online because they think that it’s not worth it just to get something small like a free sample. People also think that free samples are just a way for companies to get your business. They see free samples as a form of advertising. But here is what those people don’t realize. Even if you are not getting a substantial amount of free product when you get a free sample, you are still getting enough of the product to try it out. This will allow you to really test out a variety of products, so when you go to the store you can buy the one you really like as apposed to wasting your money trying out products directly from the store. So although free samples aren’t that substantial, they will help you save a ton of money in the long run.