Expired 🙁
The first 701 people to “Like” their page will get a free Ecig in the flavor of their choice.
When I “Liked” their page, I also sent them this message:
“Dan Landers from www.youtube.com/realcigreview sent me.”
Update from Dan: “You may want to mention to your viewers to message rivosig with their address and what flavor they want.” The flavors available are: Cured Tobacco, Siberian Menthol or Oregon Blackberry. So, if you requested this freebie before they reached 701 “Likes”, send them your
Thank you Dan Landers (www.youtube.com/realcigreview) for the heads up on this freebie!
Thank you!!
Yes I would like one
Thank you! cured tabacco!
Thank you! Cured tobacco!