Never Pay Full Price on Baby Stuff. Join my Baby Deals Facebook Page to be notified of hot deals for Baby, Toddler and Kids. And turn on Text Alerts to be notified of urgent deals.(Deal ends 4/29) Hop over to Walgreens for a great deal on Advil Infant Drops! The 0.5 oz is priced at $5.99, but you can use this $1.50 off 1 Advil Infant Drops coupon as well as this $1.00 off 1 Advil Infant Walgreens coupon (found in the Walgreens April Coupon Booklet) to pay just $3.49! Take a look at the breakdown here:
► Buy (1) Advil Infant Drops (0.5 oz) = $5.99
Use (1) $1.50/1 Advil Infant Drops = -$1.50
And use (1) $1/1 Advil Infant Walgreens coupon = -$1.00
(Walgreens April Coupon Booklet)
Final Price: $3.49