(Deal ends when coupons expire) Head over to Walmart and score a nice deal on Axe Shampoo! Regularly $3.97, buy two and use a $4.00 off two coupon from the 5/7 RedPlum insert with $1.50 Axe Shampoo Ibotta cash back. After all discounts, you’ll pay only $0.72 each! Check out the breakdown below:
► Buy (2) Axe Shampoo (12 oz) @$3.97/ea = $7.94
Use (1) $4/2 Axe Shampoo (RP 5/7, x6/3) = -$4.00
Pay: $2.94
(X2) Submit for $0.75/1 Axe Shampoo Ibotta Cash Back (x5/13)
Final Price: $0.72 each or $1.44 for both
► Buy (1) Axe Body Spray (3.8 oz) = $3.97
► Buy (1) Axe Body Wash (16 oz) = $3.97
Subtotal: $7.94
Use (1) FREE Axe Wash WYB Body Spray (RP 5/7, x5/21) = -$3.97
Final Price: $1.99 each or $3.97 for both