(Sale ends 10/28) Head over to Target to score a great save on Suavitel Fabric Softener. Buy four items and score a $5.00 Target gift card and end up paying only $1.74 for 50-ounce bottles! View the breakdown below for more details:
► Buy (4) Suavitel Fabric Softener @$2.99/ea = $11.96
Pay: $11.96
Get Back: $5 Target Gift Card
Final Price: $1.74 each (Reg $2.99)
Alternatively, combine this promotion with a $1.00 off one Suavital Liquid Fabric Softener coupon and score the 135-ounce bottles for only $4.74 each when you buy four items. Check out the breakdown below:
► Buy (4) Suavitel Fabric Softener @$6.99/ea = $27.96
Use (4) $1/1 Suavitel Fabric Softener coupon = -$4.00
Pay: $23.96
Get Back: $5 Target Gift Card
Final Price: $4.74 each (Reg $6.99)
I am having a hard time understanding the second breakdown for the Suavitel FAbric Softner at Target. Both breakdowns have you buying 4 bottles @2.99 each, which equals 11.96. But the second breakdown has 4 @2.99 = 27.96. How is that a deal or even an option compared to the first breakdown?
Hi, Paola! Thanks for pointing that out, it was a mistake. I just fixed it 🙂