HOT DEAL! This is an Unadvertised deal that we found at Walgreens. Here’s the deal breakdown:
►Buy 1 Glade Automatic Spray Starter Kit for $7.99
Use $2 Coupon from Walgreens September Booklet (Next to Flyers)
Use $3 Off Printable Coupon here.
OR Use $3 Off Coupon from Today’s Newspaper Inserts (SS 9/15)
Pay: $2.99 Get: $3 RR Back.
Final Price: FREE after Register Rewards
We’re not sure how long this deal will last. So Run!
New to Couponing? RR stands for Register Rewards. It’s Walgreen’s reward dollar printed on receipt paper which you can use like Cash on a future transaction. You can receive one RR per transaction for a particular deal. So if you want to buy multiples, make sure to split them up into multiple transactions. Also, note that you cannot use RR to pay for the same item in that you earned the RR on. So you can’t use the RR earned from this to buy another Glade Automatic Spray Starter Kit. But you can use it towards the purchase of anything else in the store. Hope that helps!