Grab a McDonalds Halloween Coupon Booklet for $1 each and you’ll receive coupons for 4 free Small Cones, 4 free Apple Slices and 4 free Milk Chugs or Juice Boxes. Available while supplies last at participating McDonalds for just $1. Click here for locations. You may want to give your local McDonalds a call and see if they’re participating in this offer.
Realy, Mc Donalds have been doing this for so many years now that I cannot remeber. I am almost fourty and remeber when they did this when I was a child. This is not an opportunity for free food everybody, not like a once in a lifetime promotion, but an alternitive to handing out sugary sweet candy to our children at trick or treat. These are sold so that those that don’t like giving our youngster handfulls of candy, have a healther alternitive. So my fear is that while you post on here that it is a chance to get “almost free food” many of those will go out and buy out all the local Mc Donalds, thinking this is never gonna happen again. Duhh, pay attention to your surroundings, it happens every year and has been for a long long time. The only difference is that in years gone by the coupons use to offer cheesburgers, hamburgers and fries, along with apple pies and cookies. And if you opened your eyes long enough, you would relaize that Wendy’s does this too!! Duhh!