Sale ends 2/15. Get a deal on Suave Professionals Captivating Curls Styling Mousse at Walgreens this week. Print two $1.50 off one Suave Professionals product coupons and earn some reward points for this deal. Here’s what to do:
(Have cashier scan the Winter Beauty Event coupon from ad first)
► Buy two Suave Captivating Curls Mousse @$3.59/ea = $7.18
Sale: 25% Off -$1.80
Use two $1.50 off one Suave Professionals product -$3.00
(Or Use $1.5/1 from RP 1/26)
Out Of Pocket: $2.38
Get Back: 2000 Balance Reward Points (like $2)
Get Back: 250 Winter Beauty Event Points (like $0.25)
Final Price: $0.07 each
Important: Remember to not use points to pay when earning points.