UPDATE: This Giveaway is now over! Winner announcement has been posted on my homepage. See more Giveaways being dropped on my blog here.
Hiya! 🙌 I hope you’re having a great week! If you are seeing this for the first time, I am posting a NEW Giveaway everyday here on the blog, just for those of you who reads this site each day. All the giveaways are short lived (between 24-72 hours).  Remember to check back on the homepage for more Giveaways being dropped at random times, latest deals and winner announcements. Winners for these reader giveaways are only made on the blog.
Today, I will be giving away a Nintendo SNES Classic Edition Game Console to ONE reader! If there’s enough demand for this, I can giveaway more in future reader giveaways on the blog. This little box has the original look and feel from the 90s console, and it comes fully loaded with 21 retro games – including Super Mario Kart. This has been sold out from most stores since it came out last fall. And we’re starting to see this become available on Amazon just recently (You can pre-order on Amazon for $79.96 for when it’s in stock). This giveaway ends in 72 Hours! Don’t miss it!  And look back at the giveaways from the last few days to see other giveaways that are still active that you may have missed. There are usually at least 3 active posts at a time.
1. Want to Enter?
Tell me what are some things you look forward to in the fall? And tell me where you’re reading from (city and state). Let me know by leaving a comment on this post.
This giveaway starts on Aug 20th and ends on Thursday, Aug 23ed at 11:59pm PST. The Winner will be selected at random and announced on Friday morning before 12pm PST on this blog only. You will have 48 hours to claim your prize. More details later.
*Please DO NOT email me or send messages on social media about entering. You can only enter by commenting on this post. See Additional Ways to Enter below:
2. Want Another Entry?
Subscribe to my Email Updates on the sidebar (where it says “Join VIP”) or click here. Then leave a separate comment to let me know you’ve subscribed. Make sure your email that you subscribed with matches the email you’re entering in the comment field below.
If you’re already a subscriber, just leave a comment.
3. Want a Third Entry?
Sign up to my free Hot Deals Alert Text Alert here. Then leave a separate comment to let me know.
If you’re already a subscriber to the deals text alert, just leave a comment.
4. Want a Fouth Entry?
Follow me on Instagram at @FreeStuffFinder. Then leave a separate comment to let me know.
(Side Note: other IG accounts I have that you might like: @TargetDealFinder, @OhTarget, @BeautyDealFinder, @BabyDealFinder, @CVSDealFinder, @WalgreensDeals)
This is a Thank you Giveaway to FSF readers. This giveaway will end 11:59pm PST on Thursday, Aug 23rd. The Winner will be announced on Friday, Aug 24th by 12pm PST on FreeStuffFinder.com homepage. Giveaway open to U.S. residents over the age of 13 only. Up to 4 entries per person using the methods described above. Winners must email me to claim their prize within 48 hours of winners being announced. I will not be emailing winners.
In case you didn’t see. I’m also currently doing my Second HUGE Back to School Giveaway #2 over on my YouTube Channel. Go here to enter. And Go Here for Other Giveaways I’m currently doing.
Subscribed to VIP and text alert and follow your Target & Walgreens IG!
Follow all your IG accounts =)
I love looking forward to fall cooler weather fall drinks and most of all halloween my favorite day EVER
Writing from Porterville ca
Stephanie Perez
Text alert subscriber
I never got the email to with the link to confirm..I did get the I am not a robot to select. Sad face
Email subscriber
I cant wait for the cold weather and football season. From Bakersfield, california.
Cool, crisp, sunny days esp when the leaves are falling =) Reading from Fredericksburg Virginia
For the fall I am really looking forward to going pumpkin picking with the family. Every year we go to an event where at a farm where we go pumpkin picking, get a hayride and do a maze. This is from New York, New York
This Fall i’m looking forward to pumpkin everything!!!