Sale ends 2/22. Get a deal on Bayer Low Dose or Chewable Low Dose Aspirin (32 or 36 count) at Walgreens. The coupons in the Walgreens February Savings Book will expire on 2/22. You can find these books throughout the store. Inside the book you will find a $1.00 off two Bayer Walgreens coupon. Walgreens has these Buy One Get One 50% Off. Stack this coupon with two $1.00 off one Bayer manufacturer coupons and you’ve got a deal. Here’s what to do:
► Buy 2 select Bayer Aspirin @$2.99/ea = $5.98
B1G1 50% Off =$1.50
Use two $1/1 Bayer Aspirin =$2.00
And use one $1/2 Bayer Walgreens coupon =$1.00
Final Price: $0.74 each