• Dollar Tree Freebies & Deals Roundup (Updated 10/26)

    Listed below are the best deals and freebies available at Dollar Tree. Please keep in mind that Dollar Tree inventory will not be the same in all stores. Some of the items below may not be available at your local store. Dollar Tree does accept manufacturers coupons. Click here to view (and/or print) Dollar Tree’s coupon policy.

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    ONLY $1 each

    Party Supplies
    ONLY $1 each

    Halloween Trick or Treat Bags
    ONLY $1 each

    Costume Accessories
    ONLY $1 each

    Personal Care

    Buy 1 LA Looks Styler = $1
    Use 1 $0.75/1 LA Looks Product = -$0.75
    Final Price: 25¢

    Buy 2 White Rain Shampoo or Conditioner @$1/ea = $2
    Use 1 $0.50/2 White Rain Hair Care = -$0.50
    Final Price: 75¢ each or $1.50 for both

    Buy 2 Alberto VO5 Shampoo or Conditioner @$1/ea = $2
    Use 1 $0.50/2 Alberto VO5 Product = -$0.50
    Final Price: 75¢ each or $1.50 for both


    Buy 1 Skinny Pop Popcorn = $1
    Use 1 $1/1 Skinny Pop Popcorn (RP 8/5, x10/31) = -$1
    Final Price: Free

    ► Buy 1 Splenda (50 ct) = $1
    Use 1 $1/1 Splenda Product = -$1
    Final Price: Free

    Buy 1 SuperPretzel Bites (9 oz) = $1
    Use 1 $1/1 SuperPretzel Product = -$1
    Final Price: Free

    ► Buy 1 International Delight Coffee Creamer (11 oz) = $1
    Use 1 $1/1 ID Delight Coffee Creamer = -$1
    Final Price: Free

    ► Buy 4 Kellogg’s Pop-Tarts (8 ct) @$1/ea = $4
    Use 1 $2/4 Kellogg’s Pop Tarts = -$2
    Final Price: 50¢ each or $2 for all four

    ► Buy 4 Barilla Blue Box Pasta @$1/ea = $4
    Use 1 $1/4 Barilla Blue Box Pasta (RP 9/9, x11/4) = -$1
    Final Price: 75¢ each or $3 for all four

    ► Buy 2 Ortega Products @$1/ea = $2
    (Taco Shells, Black Beans)
    Use 1 $1/2 Ortega Products = -$1
    Final Price: 50¢ each or $1 for both

    Buy 5 Michelina Frozen Entrees @$1/ea = $5
    Use 1 $1/5 Michelina Frozen Entrees = -$1
    Final Price: 80¢ each or $4 for all five

    Buy 2 Bar-S Hot Dogs @$1/ea = $2
    Use 1 $1/2 Bar-S Products = -$1
    Final Price: 50¢ each or $1 for both

    ► Buy 4 Uncle Ben’s Rice (6 oz) @$1/ea = $4
    Use 1 $1/4 Uncle Ben’s Rice = -$1
    Final Price: 75¢ each or $3 for all four

    Buy 2 Arm & Hammer Baking Soda (1 lb) @$1/ea = $2
    Use 1 $0.50/2 Arm & Hammer Baking Soda = -$0.50
    Final Price: 75¢ each or $1.50 for both


    ► Buy 1 Angel Soft Bath Tissue (4 pk) = $1
    Use 1 $0.50/1 Angel Soft Bath Tissue = -$0.50
    Final Price: 50¢ or 13¢ per roll

    ► Buy 3 Kleenex Boxes (85 ct) @$1/ea = $3
    Use 1 $0.50/3 Kleenex Facial Tissue = -$0.50
    Final Price: 83¢ each or $2.50 for all three

    ► Buy 2 Arm & Hammer Carpet Odor Eliminator @$1/ea = $2
    Use 1 $0.50/2 Arm & Hammer Carpet Deodorizer = -$0.50
    Final Price: 75¢ each or $1.50 for both

    ► Buy 1 The Home Store Bath Tissue (4 ct) = $1
    Final Price: $1 or 25¢ per roll

    2 for $1 Heartline Hallmark Cards

    Medicine & Health

    ► Buy 1 Children’s Triaminic (4 oz) = $1
    Use 1 $1/1 Triaminic Product = -$1
    Final Price: FREE


    Buy 1 Kandoo Boogie Wipes (10 ct) = $1
    Use 1 $0.50/1 Kandoo Products = -$0.50
    Final Price: 50¢

    Join 93 Comments Here More Dollar Tree Deals
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  • 93 good-looking people commentedLeave a comment
    1. 1

      Bar S Sausages $1.00
      – $.75 coupon RP 6/11 exp 7/23
      OOP Cost $.25
      Is this regional?

    2. 0

      does the coupon for 75 cents off the LA looks gel work on that size on the picture because on the coupon it says a bigger size?

    3. -1

      Many of these brands are not in the Dollar Tree close to me…Wasted trip…:(

    4. -2

      Thanks for sharing the deals for the stores

    5. -3

      im a bit confused, when i click the coupon link excedrin says 24ct or larger but you list it as 20 ct.

    6. -4

      Food for less(Kroger affiliate) has alberto V05 for $.79. So that makes it an extra good deal if you can buy two for $1.58 and get $0.50 off.

    7. -5

      Hi Tina, I have question , I want to do deals at target and dollar tree I don’t know if I have to ask first for card store like cvs or just I go and do my shopping, please I need you to explain to me , you are my teacher now hahahahah, have great weekend.

    8. -6

      I’ve been to many Dollar Trees and NONE of them carry Rimmel, Covergirl, Splenda or a lot of the products on this list. I’m guessing it just varies by state and location.

    9. -7
      Christine Taveras :

      Hello Tina hope all is well. There are a few rebates on the Mobisave app on some of the items you mentioned such as White Rain, VO5 S/C, pretzels, Rave and fish liquid.

    10. -8

      for the Hefty ziploc bags the coupons say 12 ct can you still use them on the 10ct?

    11. Page 4 of 512345

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