Get a free Bear Magnet from Wire A Cake/HB Bakery. “Like” their Facebook page and send a Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope to the address below.
From their Facebook page: We are filling the requests for the magnets as they come in 250 have been sent out so far! Did you reserve yours yet????? All Fans of Wire A Cake/HB Bakery Connection can receive one FREE just please send us a self addressed, stamped envelope to: WireACake Magnets, PO BOX 733, Huntington Beach, CA 92648
PLEASE “LIKE” us 1st & we can send only 1 magnet per envelope~ oh and be sure to invite your friends to join in on the BEAR FUN! We are also sending a $5.00 coupon off your next cake order along with the magnet!
Thank you, Debora George, for sending us this great freebie!
Thank you Amy <3 I am pretty sure we had about a dozen new fans join us yesterday most likely from FSF 🙂
And we forgot to say we are also sending a $5.00 coupon off your next cake order along with the magnet!
Thanks Debora! We will add that to the post 🙂