(Coupon Expires 2/28) Head over to Dollar Tree to snag your $0.50 Gain Fabric Softeners! Buy two Gain Fabric Softeners for $1.00 each, and use the sweet $1.00 off two Gain Fabric Enhancers coupon from the coming 1/11 Red Plum Insert to get this deal! Here’s the breakdown:
► Buy (2) Gain Fabric Softeners @$1.00/ea = $2.00
Use (1) $1/2 Gain Fabric Enhancers coupon (RP 1/11, x2/28) = -$1.00
(Or use $0.50/1 Gain Fabric Enhancer (RP 1/11, x2/28)
Final Price: $0.50 each
They refuse to adjust at mine… I had tons of the $2.50 off but they won’t adjust so it depends on the place