Get your Free T-Shirt “You Like This” from Bargain Shirts. Simply “Like” them on Facebook and fill out the form. Please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery.
From their Facebook page: This will NOT work on some mobile phones so we highly recommend using a computer. If there is still a problem, try updating your browser or use a different browser and turn off your pop up blocker so the free t-shirt form pops up.
Would live to have the t-shirt. a
I would luv a 3 t-shirt okydokie xxx
I would like free t-shirt
You dont ask what size?
I’ve tried 4 different times to load the website for the free tshirt “I like this” Each time the website won’t load. I followed the directions and liked the link first.
tis is tops
sounds likee a good site
would love a free shirt
They have never sent me anything
thanks for t-shirt. xxxL please.