Get your Free T-Shirt “You Like This” from Bargain Shirts. Simply “Like” them on Facebook and fill out the form. Please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery.
From their Facebook page: This will NOT work on some mobile phones so we highly recommend using a computer. If there is still a problem, try updating your browser or use a different browser and turn off your pop up blocker so the free t-shirt form pops up.
Waiting on my shirt.
Size 2 x please …
Lisa, to get the shirt you will need to click the link in the post and request it from Bargain Shirts. The shirts they are giving away are one size fits all/unisex 🙂
I am waitinging
wont work…liked it and nothing happened and now it won’t even let me unlike!
Love it. Where do you put the size?
Form wont load for me either!
Deborah, did you try the troubleshooting tips we posted from their FB page? Here are the tips:
From their Facebook page: This will NOT work on some mobile phones so we highly recommend using a computer. If there is still a problem, try updating your browser or use a different browser and turn off your pop up blocker so the free t-shirt form pops up.
Hope you can find something that works 🙂
there is no such thing as a shirt that fits everyone! i guess, when it arrives I will decide who to gift it to
I want a free tshirt size xl
Hi Frances, just follow the link in the post to sign up for the free t-shirt. They say the shirt is One Size Fits All/Unisex. Hope you have a great day 🙂
would like to have 1 free shirt
Form will not load.
Bonnie, their FB page says: This will NOT work on some mobile phones so we highly recommend using a computer. If there is still a problem, try updating your browser or use a different browser and turn off your pop up blocker so the free t-shirt form pops up.
If the above doesn’t work, you may try switching web browsers.
Thanks. I love it.