DietBug is a really cool free program for women. Since I’m not a women (last I checked), I haven’t been able to try this out. But it’s basically a free membership to on online weight-loss program and community. You don’t need a credit card or anything like that to join.
As you know, dealing with weight-loss is much easier when you have a community of people doing it together and encouraging each other (See: Biggest Loser). Plus this program was put together by real weight-loss doctors. So i assume there is lots of great info at this weightloss program.
Anyone who signs up, let us know hot the program is and if other people should join. But I’ve already heard good things about this weight loss program.
Our experts have developed the number one weight loss support site and community online. It’s for women only, it’s for you and we don’t charge a thing.
Click here to sign up for free