NOTE: Make sure to click the link that lets you enter without subscribing, before you fill out the form
Grab your FREE Wet n Wild Wild Shine Nail Color. Seventeen magazine is giving away 10,000 FREE Wet n Wild Wild Shine Nail Polish to the first 10,000 people that enter their sweepstakes.
See image below that shows you how to enter without subscribing: Make sure to click on the link that says “Click here”. Complete the form with code word: polish
You must be Female between 13-29 years of age.
I was told that I would be “billed” for signing up for a sweepstakes as if i signed up for the issues!!! Why would I be billed if I didnt order anything, but enter into a sweepstakes
It’s asking for a code word and I can’t figure out what it is.
Code word is: polish