(Checkout51 offers expire 2/15) Visit your local Target to get FREE + $1.55 Moneymaker Zantac after $4.00 off one Zantac Product coupon, this 15% off Zantac Cartwheel Offer, and $4.00 Checkout51 cash back to get this deal! Here’s the breakdown:
► Buy (1) Zantac 150 Antacid Tablets (24 ct) = $7.59
Use (1) $4/1 Zantac Product 24 ct+ = -$4.00
And use 15% Zantac Cartwheel (x2/18) = -$1.14
Pay: $2.45
Submit for $4/1 Zantac Checkout 51 Cash Back
Final Price: Free + $1.55 Moneymaker
► Buy (1) Zantac Duo Fusion (20 ct) = $8.49
Use (1) $5/1 Zantac Duo Fusion = -$5.00
(or use $4/1 Zantac Duo Fusion)
And use 15% Zantac Cartwheel (x2/18)= -$1.27
Final Price: $2.22
Yeah, I also made sure I deactivated my plug-ins on the browsers. Still the file would download, I would open it with Adobe, it will ask if I want to print with a yes or no option. I click Yes, but the pdf will have no coupon on it. When it prints, nothing comes out.
Darn, I’m no sure why it would do that. 🙁 Smartsource coupons can be tricky sometimes.
Yeah, I have the latest edition of the Adobe software that SmartSource tries to use. I deactivated my plug-ins for the browsers and still nothing. It downloads a Adobe PDF that says do you want to print. Even if you click yes, it just prints a blank page.
Yeah, I tried different browsers, but it still won’t let me print. I even tried multiple computers with different browsers, so I’m sure others in the community are having the same problem.
You’ve downloaded the proper software and made sure no plug-ins are blocking anything from printing? You can also check your recent downloads. Sometimes my SmartSource coupons end up there. Hopefully one of those will work. 🙂
Hi. When I try to print these coupons from the link to SmartSource and after I click on the links. The coupon just shows up blank on the Adobe PDF and nothing print outs. I tried to troubleshoot through SmartSource, but nothing that was helpful. Do you know the way to resolve this issue?
Hi AJ. Have you tried switching browsers to see if that will help? Sometimes that’s all it takes. Hope you can get it. 🙂