Update: It’s not too late to sign up. We will be giving away free $25 gift cards once the goodie boxes are gone. Still a few boxes left.
Hey you,
My name is Tina and I’m the mama behind Free Stuff Finder. I thought to pop in and say hello, and to confess to a problem I have. Perhaps you can help me.
Here’s my problem…
I have WAY too many free samples and other freebies sent to my house. More than I know what to do with.
Can you take some off my hands? Please help!
Because we try every offer that we post on Free Stuff Finder, we end up with a large surplus of goodies without homes.
They are literally sitting in the corner of my office collecting dust. If I don’t give these away soon, I’ll end up on the show Hoarders. 🙂
Here is a picture of one such corner. Excuse the mess. Every box and bag and stash you see here contain Freebies I’ve received or picked up, just from the last 6 months.
I’ve been meaning to take photos of these for you, but ya know how it is when you are juggling kids, family and work — you end up saying “I’ll do it next week”. And before you know it, you end up with what I have pictured above: an overwhelming disaster. *smiles*
Anyway, I want to give this stuff away to you. If you want it, that is. 🙂
Here’s my solution: I recently started our VIP Freebie List (which will replace the daily emails on June 1st and becoming a Bi-Weekly newsletter. It will also be the coolest and best weekly freebie report in the planet! *wink*).
We will be randomly giving away boxes of goodies we’ve received to members of the VIP list. Membership is Free (C’mon, we’re free stuff finder. Everything’s gotta be Free baby!).
Join the list here and you could be a winner for a box of freebie goodies.
To sweeten the deal, we’ll also be doing weekly giveaways of $25 gift cards to members, and we will be announcing winners on the list only.
Additionally, we will also be holding special surprise and private giveaways during the year of cool stuff. Cool stuff like iPads, Kindles, Blenders and other goodness. You don’t want to miss it.
You can join the VIP list by clicking here or completing this short form below:
how do you get all those freebies? I would truly love to learn! Thanks Tina!
Hi Erin,
All the freebies were from offers we have found and posted on this blog. Keep an eye on the blog and when you see a free sample by mail offer, apply for it. 🙂
This page might be helpful:
Hey Yall! I am a newbie. I stumbled on this sight on complete luck. Now a week later, I am addicted! I check it at least 10 times a day. I also tell everybody that will listen about it. I just wanted to take the time to whole heartedly tell Ms Tina, thank you!!! I ️am a stay at home mama, whose hubby works his butt off so I can be home with our kids. Tina, what you and your helpers/staff do is AMAZING! And if nobody has told you today, yall are AWESOME and my new heroes!! Thank you, thank you, thank you, Y’ALL ROCK:)
Awww thank you so much for your comment Kim! I’m so glad you found the site and it’s helped you. 🙂 Keep it up!
Hi Tina 🙂 & everyone else . I’m very new to all of this and I have zero experience in couponing or receiving freebies but I’m hoping I learn fast!
Anyway I’m wondering I signed up for VIP and I confirmed my email already but when and how and where do you announce winners for the boxes or gift cards? PLEASE I BEG YOU, ANSWER ME!!! Do I need to log in daily??
Hi Zaida, I just answered your email. Winners announced every Tuesday. Any other newsletter I send out will be hot off the press deals. I’d check those too if I were you. 🙂
Thanks babe!
I tried signing up for the VIP list but I never got a confirmation email. I wanted to make sure it did got through
When did you sign up? You can always enter your email again. It doesn’t hurt.
I have TO SAY THS IS A GREAT way to get free stuff for the local food bank and also you can mail coupons to the troops to help men and women that are fighting for are freedom
In July of last year was the first time in over 5 years that I had gotten online. I had an “accident” (I call it that because I didn’t want to explain it all the time) and I didn’t have a clue what to do, the internet had changed so much that I still don’t know what to do. I came across a site that listed freebies worth a bunch of money. I never won anything, I never received freebies I signed up for except samples from P&G. The same went for sweepstakes, I wasted so much time just to receive one little sample of shampoo in a little flat pouch for single use for a kid maybe. I was naive, stupid and too trusting, I was easy prey, so I was taken advantage of, laughed at, and made a fool. I had traumatic brain injuries and my guard was down I finally put an end to free samples and sweepstakes last month because depression hit me real hard. It was around that time when I found this site where she shows you how to get free stuff the fun way, like a treasure hunt. I can’t always go on the treasure hunt because I have violent seizures that keep me from driving, but I know that next week I will get freebies because Tina (Inspector Clouseau because my memory is very bad, but I am not that old). She works hard to do this and that alone is free. All those free things I signed up for has packed my email to over 75,000, a Free program called UnRollme. scanned my email and I had over 800 Newsletters.
The samples are her’s she can give them to whomever she wants, please don’t be upset over shampoo and mouthwash. If you still say it’s not fair (life is never fair), go to P&G and ask for a box of samples. You will get the box in 6 weeks, my gift to you. You’re welcome now let the Inspector go to CVS and Target so we can get our next freebies cause I think I can play this week.
It seems the give away Gods have not been smiling on me I haven’t won anything ever! Haha hopefully my luck changes and I end up with one of these! Thanks for all your great work this is the only website I visit on a daily basis I love it!!
I hope I get some boxes of freebie I signed up and nothing:/ I hope I win if this is the way please let me know of I did thanks 🙂
from one freebie hunter to another i would like to thank you for taking time to post all of these freebies for us i dont know if you do this all by your self or with the help of some friends or family members but i would just like to say thank you keep up the great work 🙂
Aww.. Thank you so much Gabriela! 🙂
I have requested a freebe box many time and I never received anything can you tell me why this might be?
Our freebie box is not a request, instead is a weekly giveaway for email subscribers. Hope that helps.