UPDATE: This Giveaway is now over! Winner announcement has been posted on my homepage. See more Giveaways being dropped on my blog here.
Happy Monday! I can’t believe it’s only 9 weeks until Christmas!🎄 Today I am giving away Hatchimals Advent Calendars to Two Readers! As I mentioned in my 12 Hottest Toys for 2018 Post, popular advent calendars sell out quickly, so if you think your kiddo will love this calendar you can get one at Target right now for $19.99. This giveaway ends in 3 days – Don’t Miss it! Also check back the giveaways from the last few days to see other giveaways that are still active that you may have missed.
If you are new here, I post a new Giveaway on most weekdays here on the blog, just for those of you who read this site each day. All the giveaways are short lived. Make sure to check back on the homepage for more Giveaways being dropped at random times, latest deals and winner announcements. Winners for these reader giveaways are only made on the blog.
1. Want to Enter?
Tell me: What is something special that your family does for Christmas? And tell me where you’re reading from (city and state). Let me know by leaving a comment on this post.
This giveaway starts on October 22th and ends on Thursday, October 25th at 11:59 pm PST. The Winner will be selected at random and announced on Friday morning before 12 pm PST on this blog only. You will have 48 hours to claim your prize. More details later.
*Please DO NOT email me or send messages on social media about entering. You can only enter by commenting on this post. See Additional Ways to Enter below:
2. Want Another Entry?
Did you know we cover Black Friday closely here on the site? You can see my predictions for when Black Friday Ads will Leak for our favorite stores. You can also follow my new account on Black Friday alerts here: @BlackFridayAlert
Leave a separate comment to let me know what are some stores you look forward to for Black Friday? And if you’re looking for specific products this year, let me know in the comment, and I’ll keep an eye out for ya.
3. Want a Third Entry?
Subscribe to my YouTube Channel here and Tap the Little Bell for notification. Then leave a separate comment to let me know you’ve subscribed to YouTube and Turned on notification.
If you’re already a YouTube Subscriber, just leave a comment.
4. Want a Fourth Entry?
Did you know you can access all Paper Products (Paper Towel, Toilet Paper, Tissues) related deals from one place?
Try it: Click on “DEALS” from the horizontal site menu above. Then Click on “Paper Products”. That’s it! Next time you’re in need of some TP or PT, you’ll know where to go to find current deals. 😬
Try the above, and copy a deal post’s URL (web address) from the Paper Products view and paste it in a separate comment to let me know you tried the above.
This is a Thank you Giveaway to FSF readers. This giveaway will end 11:59pm PST on Thursday October 25th. The Winner will be announced on Friday, October 26th by 12 pm PST. Giveaway open to U.S. residents over the age of 13 only. Up to 4 entries per person using the methods described above. Winners must email me to claim their prize within 48 hours of winners being announced. I will not be emailing winners.
Go Here for Other Giveaways I’m currently doing.
My family is from central america and we celebrate Christmas Dec 24,2014, on Christmas day here in the US we just open gifts and chill.
-Washington, DC
Something special my family does for Christmas is that we all get to gather and exactly at 12am we start opening up all the gifts under the tree. It becomes very hectic because we have a lot of kids at home and even The adults are eager to open their gifts
New York
Something special my family does for Christmas is that we all get to gather and exactly at 12am we start opening up all the gifts under the tree. It becomes very hectic because we have a lot of kids at home and even The adults are eager to open their gifts
Subscribed to emails!
My family usually has to work on holidays, so we get together the week before or the week after. My mom has used the same stockings for my sister and I every year since we were little, so I look forward to getting those. Reading from Biddeford, ME
Checked out the CVS Kleenex deal https://staging.freestufffinder.com/kleenex-facial-tissue-for-only-74%C2%A2-at-cvs-regularly-1-49-through-oct-20th/
Subscribed to your YouTube channel
I’m excited to see Kohl’s, walmart and Target’s BF adds. I have no idea what I’m shopping for as all my boys want are XBox gift cards…
I’m from Monroe, NC. One of our family’s favorite thing to do for Christmas is to go see the Legendary Santa at the Children’s museum of Richmond. If you have never done this, it is so magical as Santa comes down the chimney after feeding his reindeer on the roof.
We are planning to go to see the ice show at Gaylord palms. We get together as a family an open gifts. I am writing from Orlando, Florida