• FREE Amazon Baby Welcome Box + FREE Shipping (Prime Members – $35 Value!)

    OMG! This is so awesome! If you’re an Amazon Prime member (Not a member? Keep reading), you can get a FREE Welcome Box (35 Value) of when you Sign Up for a NEW Amazon Baby Registry and Add items to your registry. The welcome box contains generous Full-Sized Products & Samples. I’m so excited! 

    Here’s What To Do to Claim Your FREE Box:

    • CLICK HERE to start a NEW Baby Registry
      • If you are new and don’t have a baby registry, click on “Get Started” button (Here’s what it looks like)
    • At the top of this page you’ll see “Welcome Box”. Click on the text “Complete Checklist”. (Here’s what it looks like)
    • At the top of your Registry Checklist, Click thru each category. Add at least one item to your registry from each category. (Here’s what the it looks like)
    • Under each category are sub-categories with a box next to it.  If you already have item from a sub-category, check the box next to it. Make sure all checkboxes are checked for each category.  (Here’s an example for all the sub-categories under Diapering)
    • Once all the sub-category boxes under a category is checked, the category will have a check mark (Here’s what it looks like)
    • Repeat until all the categories are checked.
    • If there’s something you wanted to get anyways, add it to your baby registry and buy it from the registry. Once $10 or more worth item items have been purchased from your registry then you can claim your Welcome Box by clicking on the Redeem link on this page. (Here’s what it looks like)
    • Once you click redeem, the welcome box will be added to your cart showing $0. Proceed and complete check out. (Here’s what my shopping cart looks like after clicking on redeem) It will be Free + Free Shipping.
    • Important Note: After you’ve completed the registry and made the purchase, it will still show incomplete on your steps to claim the box. You won’t be able to claim your Welcome Box until Amazon has shipped your registry purchase.
    • Related Links: FAQ

    What’s Inside the Box:

    While every FREE Welcome box will vary slightly based on availability, here are the goodies I received in my box:

    • FREE Seventh Generation Sample Box with Diapers, Laundry Detergent, Wipes & Lotion
    • FREE Cotton Muslin Swaddle Blanket
    • FREE Hudson Baby Bandana Bib
    • FREE Avent Baby Bottle
    • FREE Avent Nursing Pads (So helpful for nursing moms)
    • FREE Pampers Diapers & Wipes Sample PLUS Coupon Booklet
    • FREE Huggies Diapers
    • FREE Babyganics Diapers PLUS $5.00 Off Coupon
    • FREE Draft Pur Touch (3 Samples!)
    • FREE Baby Dove Tip to Toe Wash
    • FREE Aveno Daily Moisture Lotion
    • FREE Cetaphil Daily Lotion

    New to Amazon Family?

    This deal is for Amazon Prime members only for a limited time. If you don’t have prime, you can sign up for a FREE Trial Here to Amazon Family (Same as Prime but with more baby discounts). 

    ADDITIONALLY, there are more benefits to creating an Amazon Baby Registry:

    • FREE 90-Day Returns on most items
    • Extra 15% Off completion discount for Prime members
    • Easily add items from any site (even off amazon)
    • Baby Registry Sweepstakes

    The Free Baby Welcome Box contains select products for both baby and moms worth $35. The box contains a mix of full-sized & trial sized products and what is actually shipped will vary depending on availability. Click here to Start Your Free Amazon Family Trial.

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  • 284 good-looking people commentedLeave a comment
    1. 1

      Does the product bought have to ship first? I purchased an item ($35) from the registry and it says I still need to buy something to claim the box.

      • 1.1

        Hey Stephanie, if you’re not seeing the Claim Now button then you will need to purchase something else. Make sure you clicked “Get Started” at the top of your registry and the items you purchase were added to your registry first. Hope this helps!

    2. 0
      Kenzie vanbibber :

      Can I get the whole box please

    3. -1

      I am an amazon prime member and I have completed the steps for receive the free welcome baby box. I clicked on the claim now button and went through the check out process and the price said $0.00. Once I was at the end about to proceed with my checkout and place my order I noticed the price went to $35. Did I do something wrong or will it take off the charge once I get to the end of check out. I was under the impression this was a free welcome box for prime members not $35 box. Thanks.

      • -1.1

        Did you only have the welcome box? Because if you add it with any other product already in your cart they bump up the shipping to 35 bucks.

    4. -2

      Hi there! How long after claiming your box did you receive it? My $10 item (well $180 since we needed the stroller and car seat) has already been mailed to me. We’re prime members and I have created a registry and done all the steps. It says my welxome box order has been ordered but not shipped yet. Do you know if there is any extra steps or have I completed everything and I just need to be patient for it. Lol Thanks is in advance.

      • -2.1

        Hey Monique, if you’re getting a message that the box has been ordered, then you’ll just have to be patient…lol. If you don’t receive it in a few weeks, I’d check with customer service to see when you can expect it. Hope this helps!

    5. -3

      Hi, can u please tell me how much they charge for delivery?

    6. -4

      I signed up for the registry, purchased an item and it still didnt give me an offer but wanted to charge me full $35 price to order? What do I do?

      • -4.1

        Hi Simone. It may be that they are temporarily out. Sometimes the offer isn’t available because they need to restock. Maybe contact customer service to see when they will have it available. 🙂

      • -4.2

        They are still out, just get them to send you an email confirmation when they are available. I called customer support and they didnt even know they where out. But she said is a good thing because a lot of ppl where disappointed with the last batch and the next ones will be better.

      • -4.3

        They’re available again, just make sure not to choose a debit card so you dont get the $35 charge the 35 is automatically removed so you would just use payment method (click yellow box).

        • Thank you for explaining this. I just made a comment on this page about the $35 charge and was confused on why it was charging me and it wasn’t until after I posted it that I read your reply. Thanks again I ordered my free baby welcome box.

    7. -5

      Hi Tina,

      I just tried this again, it’s no longer available again?

      or I’m wondering if I’m doing something wrong. I started the registry but I don’t see the welcome box anywhere.

    8. -6

      Is there a way to check when the free box is available before going through all the steps?

    9. -7

      The offer for the free box is over already huh? I tried following your steps but didn’t see anything about the box. I’m expecting January 2018. Does the free box come quite often? I’d rather wait until the free box comes around again

    10. -8
      Candelaria Benito- Lopes :

      Can I just get a free welcome box and not the trial? If yes, please tell me how to do it

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