(Sale ends 3/19) Check your local Target for Green Works Dish Liquid on sale for $1.48 (may vary by store)! Plus, they have a promo – buy five and receive a Free $5 Gift Card! Combine this offer with four $0.75 off one Green Works coupons and use 10% off Green Works Cartwheel to get them for FREE + $1.04 Moneymaker! Here’s the breakdown:
Note: The starting price for this item will vary by store and region. It may be higher or lower at your store. Adjust the math in this breakdown according to the price at your store.
► Buy (5) Green Works Dish Liquid (22 oz) @$1.48/ea = $7.40
Use (4) $0.75/1 Green Works Product = -$3.00
Use 10% off Green Works Cartwheel (x3/26) = -$0.44
Pay: $3.96
Get Back: $5 Target Gift Card
Final Price: Free + $1.04 Moneymaker
Or only $1.15 each if it is not on sale at your store:
► Buy (5) Green Works Dish Liquid (22 oz) @$2.99/ea = $14.95
Use (4) $0.75/1 Green Works Product = -$3.00
Use 10% off Green Works Cartwheel (x3/26) = -$1.20
Pay: $10.75
Get Back: $5 Target Gift Card
Final Price: $1.15 each or $5.75 for all
How do I go about printing 4 coupons? Says on website only allowed 1 coupon per person. TIA!
Hey. You will need to have multiple computers/devices in order to get more coupons. Hope that helps. 🙂