Note: If you’re looking at this from your phone, jump on a computer. As with all facebook offers, it may not work from mobile.
Hurry over to Incredible Edible Egg’s Facebook page, “like” them and get a coupon for $0.55 off your purchase of two dozen eggs. Egg coupons don’t come around very often and this one will go fast.
Print now and save for a Target deal next week (4/13-4/19). One dozen large eggs will be on sale for $0.99, buy two dozen, use the coupon and pay only $0.72 per dozen! Don’t forget you’re allowed two prints per computer! There are awesome deals coming up at Walgreens and Target with this coupon so print now! So, I suggest you print now! don’t wait 🙂
Starting 4/13 at Target:
►Buy 2 Market Pantry Eggs @$.99 = $1.98
Use one $0.55/2- Eggs, One dozen = -$0.55
And use one $0.50/1 – Market Pantry Eggs Mobile Q = -$.50
(Text THANKS to 827438, x4/23)
And use one $0.50/1- Market Pantry Eggs Mobile Q= -$.50
(Text SPRING to 827438, x4/23)
Final price $0.22 each!
Starting 4/13 at Walgreens:
►Buy 2 Nice! Grade A Large Eggs @$0.99 = $1.98
Use one $0.55/2 Eggs, One Dozen = -$0.55
Final Price $0.72 each!
Click here for the full ad preview for both Walgreens and Target!