• Couponing 101 – How to Coupon Stack


    This lesson on how to coupon stack is broken down into two videos. Keep scrolling down for the second video.

    1. How to Coupon: Overview

    First, a quick overview of how “couponing” works.

    The basic gist of couponing is buying items at the right time such that you can get the item, at low, or rock bottom prices (lowest price possible).

    What we do is wait until an item goes on sale and pair that sale with any existing coupons, such that it will be the lowest or close to lowest price on the item. We then buy multiple units of the item, so that we have enough until the next sale cycle. In this way, for many common household items, we never have to pay full price.

    Every item in stores has a sale cycle. For grocery stores and consumable products, the sale cycle happens every 6-8 weeks, where you will see rock bottom prices.  For other seasonal items, the cycle may be longer. And for things like toothpaste, sale cycles happen much faster.

    The couponing game isn’t about getting everything for free – even though that is always nice. The game of couponing is about paying near rock bottom prices on items we can stock up on for the future. Our families can often enjoy name brand products at below generic brand prices by simply rocking the sales cycles with coupons..

    Here are the basic steps to couponing (we’ll cover each of them in detail later):

    • Collecting Coupons
    • Watch for Sales
    • Stack Coupons with Sales

    Couponing 101: What is Coupon Stacking?

    There are two major categories for coupons: “Manufacturer Coupons” and “Store Coupons”.

    A “manufacturer coupon” is a coupon issued by the company that makes the product. For example, P&G issues the coupon for Pampers. So when we use a manufacturer coupon for Pampers diapers at a store, P&G will then reimburse that store for the value of that coupon.  These coupons will say “Manufacturer Coupon” on the actual coupon.

    A “Store Coupon” is a coupon issued by the specific store. For example, the coupon will say “Target Coupon” or “CVS coupon” on the actual coupon. The specific store is not being reimbursed for these coupons by another company. The stores themselves (ie. Target) absorb the cost of these coupons as a way to attract people to visit and spend money at their stores.

    Generally speaking, stores typically will allow one Manufacturer Coupon and one Store Coupon to be used on one item. We call this “Stacking Coupons” or “Stack Coupons” because we are using multiple coupons on the same item. However, you cannot use two Manufacturer Coupons on the same item.


    In the picture above, I had stacked a $1 off Manufacturer Coupon with a $2 off CVS Store coupon, and used it on a bottle of Tide that was on sale for $2.94. Thus making it free.

    Note that Stacking Coupons is not the same as “Doubling Coupons”. Doubling coupons is a concept not available to every region. Some grocery stores and regions allow double coupons, which is simply a store promotion where the value of a manufacturer coupon is doubled (Up to a certain amount. Usually the amount is under $1).  For example, you have a coupon for $0.50 and your store allows doubling of coupons up to $0.50, then your $0.50 coupon will take off $1.00. Doubling Coupons is very regional and typically only at grocery stores; you’ll want to check with your local grocery store to see if they offer coupon doubling near you.

    Every store will have their own coupon policy and some stores may not allow stacking of coupons.

    Example of Stacking:

    • Target has Dial hand soap on sale this week for $2 per bottle.
    • There’s a $1.00 off one Manufacturer coupon and a $0.75 off one Target Coupon.
    • You can use both coupons on the sale price of the soap. Thus taking $1.75 off $2.00 and you can get the bottle of soap for $0.25.
    NEXT: Couponing 101: Where to Get Coupons?

    57 good-looking people commentedLeave a comment
    1. 1

      Hi Tina! What does “Cannot be combined with any other coupon” mean? You find this wording on Huggies MQ. I was told by a Target manager that I couldn’t use the Huggies coupons on their current baby deal because of the wording on the coupon. She stated the baby deal is a Target category coupon and based on the wording of the manufacturer coupon I could not use both. In fact, she said I couldn’t use any other coupon when purchasing Huggies items, even if my coupon was for a completely different items. Thank you for your help with this.

      • 1.1

        Hi Val. I’m sorry to hear that they wouldn’t let you use them. I take that phrase to mean that you can’t combine the coupon with another coupon for that same item. I didn’t realize the coupon said that. Thanks for the heads up. 🙂

        • Hi Tina. Thanks for getting back to me. I never got stopped before when using this coupon and I understood it the same as you. I actually reached out to the manufacturer for clarification since the manager stated it was a manufacturer policy and not Target’s. I’m waiting for their reply.

        • Hi Tina! Thank you for getting back to me. I had no problems before with this MQ. I understood it that same as you but the manager wasn’t having it. I’ve actually reached out to the manufacturer for clarification on their wording since the manager stated it was a manufacturer policy and not a change to Target’s. I’m waiting for their reply.

    2. 0

      Where can I get coupons from target

    3. -1

      So I have a manufacturer’s coupon that says .75 off for one item but underneath it says limit one coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Does that mean that if I am buying 2 quantities of said item I can only use 1 coupon or can I make copies and use the manufacturer’s coupon twice in one transaction?

    4. -2

      Hi Tina,
      I came across your website from the recommendation of a friend. I was also scared of couponing or unsure of what stores accepted coupons. I always thought places like target never accepted coupons. The way you explain in your videos your process, gives me such confidence that I can be smarter with my money on products I use and trust. Thanks!

    5. -3

      live alabama sylacagua looking couoning online

    6. -4

      Where can I get these coupons? I selected a bunch then it said to type my email so they can be printed out but when I get the link through my email it just sends me right back to this website.

      • -4.1

        Hey Jayne. Can you be a little more specific with which coupons you are trying to print? Then I can probably help you out more. 🙂

        • Ok so the coupons you have on the “print coupon” section, I will clip all the coupons I want, send it to my email but when I view the email it sends me straight back to this website. There’s no coupon code in the email or anything.:( I even bought the Sunday paper to see if the same coupons were on the paper but I find this website has better coupons then the paper I just don’t know how to open the coupons or find them. :/

    7. -5

      Those free target gift cards, are they deducted at the register or are they redeemable for next purchase only?

    8. -6

      Me again!!! 🙂 ummmm Is there a certain amount of coupons u can stack on a certain product at Target? I have a printable MQ, printable TQ, 1.50 catalina (It says MQ on the top right corner i dont know if that counts as a regular MQ), and a $5 off next purshase (it also says MQ on the top) and i wanted to use the baby offer? is this an option

      • -6.1

        Hi Gaby. Target’s policy is that you can use 1 Target q and 1 manufacturer q per applicable item. Their policy always says this about combining store coupons with category/department coupons: “If redeeming more than one category/department or storewide coupon, you must meet the purchase requirements for each coupon individually.” So you can use all of those as long as you meet the requirements for each coupon individually and as long as you are only using 1 Target q and 1 manufacturer q per item. Hope that helps. 🙂

    9. -7

      What does it mean when a coupon says No more than four (4) identical coupons for the same product in the same day? Also how do ppl come out with bulks of the same item do they use more than 1 coupon in the same transaction or they do multiple transactions?

    10. -8
      Veronica Mercado :

      So with the double coupon method does the cashier scan the coupon twice? Or are you using two of the coupons on one item?

    11. Page 1 of 3123

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