My first video on Free Stuff Finder! Click play above! I know it’s a little primitive. lol. Hope it’s helpful to my newbie couponers. Go here to see the full video on YouTube. If you want to be notified of future videos, click here to subscribe.
Click here to for the Coupon Database.
Hey, I’m new to couponing I need help I print diaper coupons but the have the same number at the bar code but different bar scanning thingys
Hi for the deal you posted yesterday of the lip balms on mybelline for target. I see it says use 3 coupon of $1 how can I print 3 from my printer? I only have one printer i printed out two coupons but it has the same barcode number would this still be acceptable or not? Or how can I print 2 more
Hi Ruby!
You would have to have another device to print the additional 2 prints since it the limit is 2 prints per computer. The barcodes will be the same but there is a unique code in the upper right hand corner that is different. Those are the numbers that count.
hi im new to couponing, how many coupons can I use at target per item? is it only one manufacture coupon and one in store?
You can use one manufacturer, one target and one cartwheel coupon on one item. 🙂
Hi whenever u say 2 coupons per computer. I’m I able two clipped twice the same coupon or I can only printed out using another computer to print the same coupon. Example the huggies wipes and diaper box for cvs. I printed out two coupons for each wipes and diapers from the same computer would they still take it?
Yes you are allowed two separate prints per computer. It will stop you from printing when you have reached your computer’s limits.
i cannot print coupon from my Mac book
Here what you do on a Mac. The first time you have to setup the coupon printer software. Make sure to do this from FireFox browser. Once its installed and it prints on firefox, then it’ll work on all the other browsers too. 🙂 Give that a try and let me know if it works. 🙂
do I need to sign up for my news paper and if so what days are the coupons inside
Sunday Newspaper only. Those are the only ones that have coupons. 🙂
This tutorial might be helpful:
Thank u
Also I went to target to get some products one old spice body spray because there’s a coupon, that I printed out yesterday and I had some insert coupon that expired yesterday from February newspapers. it had the same information like the one I printed out. Also the same for two secret body spray they where each 3.99 but when the guy at target scan all the coupons it only took the two for secret coupons but only took one on the old spice . The system said two many coupons used in one transaction something like that. But j dnt understand was he suppost to scann printed coupons diets or what’s the rules for that
Hi! I have inserts going back to 11/2/14, do you happen to know up to when are safe to recycle?
Hey! I typically keep 12 week’s worth of inserts. Anything older than that, I’ll flip thru them to see if there are any unexpired coupons, if so, I just pull them out. And put them in a folder for say “Coupons expiring 3/31”, then I know when its safe to toss those. I think I’ve gotten ride of all the Nov inserts. I have a few Dec still. Hope that helps. 🙂
I am new at couponing……how do the Extrabucks work from CVS…I’m a little lost. 🙂
Hi Liz, sign up for extra Care program on or in stores. Then you’ll have a card associated with you, your phone number, and Extrabucks will print. I will make an in depth tutorial on CVS very soon. You can sign up here:
I don’t have a printer. Can these coupons be downloaded to my phone and scanned from it?
Not all coupons. Some coupons you can get it from your phone. Most printable coupons are from computer only. There are select ones like Staples coupons you can scan from your phone. Most everything else, you cannot.
Wow, Thank you..