After about 6 months of helping you all get some free stuff I decided that it was my turn to ask you all to help me out a little!
So far the site has been going great. We have 140 subscribers. There are 58 members in our new Facebook group. Over a hundred people are playing the monthly Free Gift Card contest and we have had 4 winners so far. And 15 people installed the new Toolbar. But the best thing is that all of those numbers are growing every day. Plus I get lots of emails from you guys on how much you like the site. So I’m feeling really good about it right now.
But here is where you come in. I want the site to grow even more. The more readers I have the more time I can devote to it and the more free stuff I can post and the more free gift cards I can give away every month. So I wanted to ask you guys to help me make the site audience larger.
How can you do that? Here are a few ways:
· Blog about me! If you have a blog right a little snippet or review about my site. Let the world know what you like about it.
· Tell a friend! All you need to do is pass the word along to friends!
· Link to me from your website or MySpace Page.
· Join the “I Love Free Stuff†Facebook group and become a part of the community
· Stumble, Digg, Delicious my site! Add this site to your favorite social bookmarkingsite. Or ad this blog to your Technorati Favorites
· Post other freebies you find to the comments of one of my posts (as long as it’s not spam) I go through all the comments and manually approve them. If you send something I like, I’ll post it in your name!
· Talk about me on your radio show. (That’s what Tom Koziol did.)
· Subscribe for email updates (and get a chance to win a free gift card every month while you’re at it).
· Answer a Poll. On the left hand side of this site are random poll questions I wrote. These questions help me learn about my readers and what their interests are. That way I can post freebies that match your interests. I will also adjust my new “Great Deal Finder†in the right hand of this site to match categories of intrest.
Those are just a few ideas. Feel free to help out in any other ways you can think of! We can all make this site into something really great!
And again, thanks to all my readers who keep coming back for more freebies and thanks to everyone who has given me such great feedback!