Here is how to get a bunch of great free baby stuff and free coupons for baby stuff:
Bristol-Myers Multiple Birth Program 1800-422-2902 ask for coupons and samples.
H.J. HeinzConsumer Services 1-800-872-2229 Send coupons for baby products
Modial Industries 216-626-4490 Different gifts, some people get diaper genies
Carnation 800-242-5200 Carnation does not have a multiple program, but you can call every week or so and get coupons. They do have an Special Delivery Club for expectant mothers:1-800-547-9400, Carnation sends booklets on pregnancy, nutrition, formula coupons, samples, order forms for upcoming programs and other pamphlets.
Midas 800-621-0144 Midas dealers offer discounts on car sets. You can return the seats to Midas and get credit for services at any Midas shop.
Scott Paper Co.1-800-TEL-SCOTTwins-coupons for free Baby Fresh and Wash a-bye BabyTriplets-coupons for free Baby Fresh
and Wash a-bye BabyQuads-coupons for free Baby Fresh and Wash a-bye Baby
Ansa Bottle Co., 1-800-527-1096 Triplets or more only
Little Me, 1-800-533-5437/1-301-729-4488 Triplets or more only;
Mother’s Little Miracle, 1-310-544-7125 Triplets or more only;
One Step Ahead Catalog, 1-800-274-8440
COUPON for a FREE any size Baby Magic Product 1-800-228-7408
American Academy of Pediatrics 1-800-433 9016 Parent Resource Guide
Babysitter Safety Booklet ask for booklet #12 1-800-843-5678
Beechnut’s mailing list, coupons 1-800-523 6633
https://www.benstoychest.com more free baby stuff & coupons
Enjoy the baby freebies!