• *NEW* Over $61 in Coupons For February (Print Now!)

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    Happy February! It’s the first day of the month, and as usual, a TON of highly-anticipated, NEW Printable Coupons have been released or reset! These total over $61 in savings! As usual, you can snag two prints of a single coupon on each of your devices! Here are some highlights:


    $1.00 off any 2 Hefty Slider Bags$1.00 off one Sparkle$0.50 off one Cascade


    $0.55 off one Minute Maid Orange Juice Carton$0.50 off TWO any flavor/variety LARABAR bars$1.00 off THREE Pillsbury Refrigerated Products


    $1.50 off one Huggies Wipes$2.00 off one Huggies$2.00 off one Playtex Bottles

    Personal Care:

    $1.00 off one L'Oreal Eyeliner or Eye Shadow$2.00 off one L'Oreal Paris Skincare Product$1.00 off one Speed Stick Twin Pack


    Join 4 Comments Here More Coupon Roundup
    4 good-looking people commentedLeave a comment
    1. 1

      I have a question about the new policy when printing coupons for Coupons.com, are we only allowed to print two per cell phone now and not per computer/ip addresses?

      I ask because I printed two coupons from home and when I was I work I tried to print them and it stated that Limit Reached. I know you mention that on one of your Periscope so I wondering if that went into effect?

    2. 0

      I find that a lot of the time, my coupons are not scanning at the store, they have to enter manually, I fold them, do you think that is why?

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