We’ve just uploaded the Walgreens Monthly Coupon Booklet preview for August. If you prefer the typed list of all the coupons, click here. The coupons within this booklet will be valid from 7/26 – 8/29.
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The Walgreens Monthly coupon booklet contains Walgreens coupons and can be stacked with Manufacturer coupons and sales to lower your price. If you are new, the coupons in this book are considered IVC coupons, which stands for “Instant Value Code/Coupon”. You only need cashier to scan it once, and it will apply to all items in your transaction that matches that coupon. The same coupons are also found in the Walgreens app. NO need to clip these coupons out.
these coupon booklelts from walgreens where can I get them from? Can they be mailed to my house or is it online? how can I obtain it?
Hi Yamilex. The coupon booklets are found in stores. The monthly booklet is usually somewhere near the entry. You can also find other coupon booklets throughout the store. Hope that helps.