For a limited time only, Old Navy is hosting Up to 60% Off Kids & Baby Apparel Sale! Shop for various styles with prices starting at just $4!
The sale is valid both in-store and online. However, note that the same items might have different depending on which way you choose to shop. Opt for what is the best deal for you. Shipping is FREE on orders of $50 and more. Don’t miss out, browse here or below!
P.S. If you’re shopping online, selected items are eligible for an additional 25% off at checkout with code WINNER. The items are clearly marked on the website with “Save More with Code at Checkout”.
These are so cute!
Printed Full-Length Leggings for Girls
ONLY $4 (Reg $11)
Leggings for Girls Navy Feather Print
ONLY $9 (Reg $11)
Full-Length Jersey Leggings for Girls Gold Stars
ONLY $6.75 (Reg $11) with promo code WINNER at checkout
Graphic Crew-Neck Tee for Girls Create Your Future
ONLY $6 (Reg $11)
Printed Softest Tee for Girls Light Heather Grey Floral
ONLY $8.25 (Reg $13) with promo code WINNER at checkout
Slub-Knit Floral Softest Tee for Girls
ONLY $8.25 (Reg $13) with promo code WINNER at checkout
Printed Softest Tee for Girls Unicorns
ONLY $8.25 (Reg $13) with promo code WINNER at checkout
Cuffed French Terry Shorts for Toddler Girls
ONLY $5.97 (Reg $11) with promo code WINNER at checkout
Relaxed Logo-Graphic Joggers for Girls White Stripe
ONLY $8 (Reg $25)
Uniform Joggers for Girls Medium Gray
ONLY $8 (Reg $16)
Built-In Flex Twill Shorts for Boys Ancient Forest
ONLY $8 (Reg $18)
Printed Built-In Flex Twill Shorts for Toddler Boys Shark Print
ONLY $6 (Reg $15) with promo code WINNER at checkout
Baby-Toddle Jeans
From $10