This 3-product sampler includes renewing cleansing cream, age diffusing serum, and age balancing night cream.
Spy Optics sticker
I’m not sure what this sticker looks like, but Spy Optics is offering a free sticker.
Pet Rescue Sticker
The ASPCA is offering free window stickers for pet owners. In case of emergency, this tells rescue personnel how many pets there are inside, and if they can rescue your pets without endangering their own lives, they will.
Types of Cheese poster
Wisconsin Dairy Council is offering a poster to highlight all the different types of cheese that are available.
Downloadable potato coloring book
Idaho Potato Commission is offering a free downloadable coloring book for kids.
Click ‘Just for Kids’ at the top
Paul Mitchell freebie
The wording on this site just says a “chance” and “while supplies last” so I don’t know how much of a guarantee it is that you’ll get a Paul Mitchell hair care freebie, but it doesn’t take long to sign up.
Head for Change (wait for page to load then click at the bottom)
Free Reusable Grocery Tote/green4better
Bring a reusable grocery bag/tote with you next time you go shopping. Use that instead of a plastic bag. If everyone uses one less plastic bag, that is ALOT of plastic bags. Choice of colors.
50 free 4×6 prints from Shutterfly
This offer is for new members only. Once you sign up you will get your first 50 prints free.
Santa PhotoStamp
PhotoStamps,com is offering one FREE custom PhotoStamp to be used on children’s letters to Santa.(Offer expires on 12/24/08.
In order to get the stamp, you will need to open an account with PhotoStamps.
Colgate Total Advanced
Watch the video advertising Colgate Total Advanced toothpaste and then click on the link at the end of the video.
GoodNites sample from Walmart
Walmart is sponsoring a sample of GoodNites sleep pants for kids who have trouble with nighttime bedwetting.
Plastic Envelope
These plastic envelopes are more durable than paper, waterproof, and lightweight. Use them for mailing or for storing receipts or coupons.
Flexitol skin creams
You can choose your skin cream: Foot cream, heel balm, eczema and psoriasis cream, or eczema and psoriasis wash. Click on the left side of the page.
Creme of Nature hair care
The site isn’t very specific as to what type of product you’ll receive, but the Creme of Nature line includes relaxers, hair color, and shampoo and conditioner.
Cookie Cutter
Cookie Cutter Spirit is offering one of three cookie cutters for free: snowman, house, or ribbon. You have the option of requesting a catalog when you sign up.
free Items from Poison Control & Prevention
You can get stickers, magnets, activities book, informational pamphlets. Allow up to 3 weeks for delivery.
free sample Pomology Anti-Aging with Resveratrol/Taste for Life members
You must be a member of their site to get this freebie.
A unique Resveratrol-based antioxidant formula designed to promote healthy aging, longevity and fight the damage free radicals may cause skin cells through the combined benefits of red wine extract, pomegranate and açaí.
free sample of Super Cedar Firestarters
Super Cedar Firestarters manufactures and distributes an environmentally safe clean and fast way to start your fire every time!
Caterpillar poster
If you know someone interested in construction, they might appreciate this Caterpillar poster. I think they’re cool looking and I don’t even care about the machines (although I did used to drive a forklift and still think it’d be cool to drive something like this).
Self Magazine
NuvaRing is sponsoring a free subscription to Self magazine. Self includes tips on health, fashion, beauty, and more.