A free magnetic-backed 5” x 7” photo frame with a brushed silver finish- this really comes and its really nice!
Free Bottle of Booster Drinking Water
BoosterWater.com is giving out a free bottle of booster water brand premium drinking water.
Free 1.56 fl. oz. Purex Sample + Coupon for Online T-Shirt Design
Purex is giving away a 1.56 fl. oz. sample of Purex while supplies last, limit 1 sample per household. Allow 8 to 10 weeks for delivery. You don’t have to create a design unless you really want to, just click on “save & submit” and it takes you to the form`
Free Sample of GE Caulk Singles
OfferProcessingCenter.com is giving out a GE Caulk Singles.
Please allow 10 to 15 business days for delivery. Available to U.S. residents only. Limit one sample per household.
FREE Nascar for women kit
If you’d like to be part of the most exciting, in-the-know group of gals in racing, you need to join free the Team TrackCouture.
Sign up today and they’ll send you free cool introductory membership kit absolutely free. Plus you’ll get quarterly e-newsletter, highlighting the very latest in race fan fashions along with the most interesting scoop from the infield
Free wordpress plugins zip file
So today i took the liberty of making a “start-up” plugin kit that i plan on using as a default install for any wordpress blog i start. I feel these plugins are almost all essential for a successful blog. Sure there are other great plugins out there, but i think these are must-haves.
Here are the plugins that are in this zip file and a brief summary of what they do. For more details look at the plugin websites or the “readme” files.
Also note that some of these plugins are not the most recent versions. If you have wordpress 2.5 you can do a one-click update. otherwise you can update them the old school way.
Adsense Deluxe: Allows you to easily embed adsense code in your blog posts
alinks: Automatically link certain words in your blog to other blog posts or websites
All-in-one SEO pack Probably the best plugin out there for SEO
Google analyticator: Easily links your blog with your google analytics account (if you don’t have one, get one! it’s free, too!)
Sitemap Generator: Generates a sitemap for goolge and other sites. this is great for SEO and other things.
Link cloaking plugin: Automatically cloaks and redirects your affiliate links, or any other links you wanna keep private.
SEO slugs: Makes URL slugs SEO friendly
Share this: Allows people to easily spread the word about your posts to social networking sites
Viper Video Quicktags: Easily embed video from YouTube and other sources right into blog posts.
WordPress Related Post Plugin: Shows other related posts at the end of a post. Great for internal linking (SEO) and getting people to read your other content.
WordPress Automatic upgrade: Upgrade your wordpress with the click of a button!
wp-cache: Makes your pages load faster.
wp-contact form: Gives you a real contact form on your blog.
Download the WordPress Plugin kit (1.32mb)
Just unzip the file and copy all those folders into your “plugins” folder like you would with any other plugins.
Another amazing plugin that will help you make money with your blog is the PHPbay Plugin. This plugin allows you to import auctions from ebay directly into your wordpress site. Then you get a commission from eBay on each item you sell and each new member you get to join. It’s pretty sweet. See my two PHPbay sites: Fender Blues Junior amps and Discount Golf Balls
PHPbay is only $79, which is pretty cheap. I make about $600 a month from the fender site. The golf ball one is only 2 weeks old, so only time will tell. Learn more about PHPbay Plugin, or buy it here.
You can get 20% off phpBay Pro with this phpBay Pro Coupon code discount
Free Sunkist Take A Stand Lemonade Kit
Great freebie in time for summer! Sunkist is giving out a free Sunkist Take a Stand Lemonade Kit.
Enter Retail Promotional Code: SKTAS
Free Bag of Pet Food from Nutro~
Free Bag of pet food from Nutro- This freebie is coming to you from one of our own subscribers!~ Thanks for the freebie tip!
Free Dog Tag from ProGamer
Freebie alert!
Select the box at the bottom that says, “SEND ME THE FREE PROGAMER DOGTAG!”
Lucky Rewards Free Stylish Bag-Exp. 3/31/08
Lucky Magazine subscribers can go to their website and enter their 10-digit subscription number to receive a free stylish bag in 4-6 weeks. This expires on 3/31/08. It’s a cute bag pictured with the promotion, small white with brown or black vinyl handles. I had earned a free subscription to Lucky Magazine through the e-rewards program – so this makes it extra nice for spring!!!!
Free Secret Clinical Strength Deodorant
Text CLINICAL to 467467
Standard text messaging rates apply.
Free 24 Pack of Hair Removal Strips from Nad’s
Here is a great freebie just in time for bikini season!
Limited time offer, while supplies lasts
The first users to vote will receive a free package of Nad’s 24 large hair removal strips…that’s right, Free!
($8.99 value includes free shipping )
Free Fandango Movie Ticket From FORD (college students) or anyone…
This seems like a really promising freebie- and with all the crazyness going on in the world who couldnt use a free night at the movies– im in the middle of testing this out- but you can try it too!
Ford is giving away free Fandango Tickets for signing up online to receive a $500 certificate towards a purchase of a new car.
Select a school/college from the list
Click on Step 2
Click on Automatically Enter
Fill out Form
( Once you click submit, you probably will see a screen that says you lose, but that is for the sweepstakes for a free trip to hollywood )
You will receive only 2 Emails (1st. $500 certificate and 2nd. Fandango redemption code)
Enjoy your Free Movie Ticket!!!
Limit 1 free fandango movie code per person/name/email address
Free $10 Game Card – Dave and Buster
Sign up for their email and you can get tons of free stuff…
Don’t miss out. Sign up today to start receiving all the perks of being a D&B Rewards member:
Buy Herbal Essence? Get a FREE manicure or pedicure!
Awesome freebie- a free manicure or a free pedicure!!
Click on US or Canada. Click the “click here” button to see the terms and then Redeem at the top if you have upcs.
They are specially marked packages!
Must be postmarked by 12/31/08
Free Sample of True Lemon
We have an awesome EXCLUSIVE offer for free samples from true lemon. They have seen our success and contacted us personally and wanted all our readers to get free samples from them!!
Every person who requests free samples receives two packets of True Lemon, 1 packet each of True Lime and True Orange and a coupon.) Also, right now for every new person who registers for a free sample, they are donating 10 packets of True Lemon to Operation Gratitude, a wonderful non-profit that sends care packages over to our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Operation Gratitude is getting ready to send 50,000 care packages in May and June and our goal is to donate 1,000,000 packets by then. (And we’re getting closer by the day.)
Heres how :
1. Go to the link below
2. When you request your free samples, on the form under “how did you hear about us”- select “other” and then type in “freestufffinder.com”
Get all the great free samples from true lemon!!!
Free Jockey Womens Panty – Macy B&M Starts 5/31
Whats a better freebie than a free pair of underware!?!?
You can pick up a free pair of Jockey’s womens panties from Macy’s with a printable coupon during the week of May 31st – June 6th!
No purchase is required for this $9.50 value
Join the CVS Advisor Panel & Earn Money on Your ExtraCare Account
This is a great little freebie- you can actually get money to shop at cvs by answereing short surveys periodically!!
The purpose of the CVS Advisor Panel is to solicit your input about CVS stores, products and services, and to obtain your suggestions for how we can improve CVS. Your guidance is especially valuable as we strive to make your shopping experiences at CVS the best they can be.
Throughout the year, we will send you invitations to participate in online surveys about CVS products and services. If you choose to participate in our surveys, we thank you for your time by crediting your ExtraCare account with $5, $10 or $15 in ExtraBucks. Becoming a member of ExtraCare and the CVS Advisor Panel is FREE. Check it out!
Free Bass Brolly Bottle Opener
Great freebie! But you must be 21 years old or older!! Check out this freebie!